Chongqing is one of four direct-controlled municipalities in China (the others are Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin), located in central China, intersected by the Jialing River as well as the Yangtze River.
Chongqing is renown in China for being a "mountain city". It is constructed on the tall peaks, low valleys and sloping hills of the mountainside. When strolling about the downtown area, you will find yourself walking uphill and downhill along the undulating streets, and may be surprised by seeing a light rail rushing through a residential building. The brilliant nightscape of the town is equally famous. Around the Chongqing urban area, there are some scenic and historical highlights such as Dazu County with ancient rock carvings and art, the rocky scenery at Wulong, the Zigong Dinosaur Museum, the Yangtze River and the 3 Gorges Dam.